Digital Pursuit were in attendance at the UK Symfony Meetup, at Doggetts Coat and Badge on October 15th 2014.
In the session there was a focus on what Redis is, how it works, what awesome features we can build with it and how we can use it with PHP and integrate it with Symfony2 applications making them blazing fast.
Redis is an extremely fast data structure server that can be easily added to your existing stack and act like a Swiss army knife to help solve many problems that would be extremely difficult to workaround with the traditional RDBMS.
Ricard Clau is a Software Engineer with a broad experience as technical lead in companies like Hailo or SocialPoint amongst others. He's a Symfony2 lover and a strong PHP believer, he tries to contribute to Open Source projects, specially in the Symfony2 ecosystem. He is also curious about technologies like Erlang, Go and NoSQL databases..
Drinks and location were sponsored by SensioLabs UK.