The latest instalment of PHP London had a festive feel.
PHP London is a non-profit group to promote knowledge sharing and best practice amongst PHP developers and web development and business professionals in London. The main product right now is a regular PHP meetup, basically a monthly PHP PubCon. In order to attend all you need is an interest in PHP.
7:00-8:00 - informal drinks, snacks and chat
8:00-8:05 - welcome by executive committee & any group announcements
8:05-9:00 - talk(s):
Title: Varnish - The 9 Circles of Hell
By: Luis Ferro
About: Adding a cache system will always increase the complexity of any solution. That is the cost of potentially improved performance. During this talk, we will cover (very quickly) what is Varnish, how you can use it and see several (9 to be exact) ways to use it with real cases. Slides will be on Slideshare, code on Github, comments on Joinedin.
Name: Luis Ferro
Profession: Developer since 1992, PHP developer since 1998, System Administrator / DevOps since 2011.
Currently working in: Rewards and Loyalty Programs - Metropolis International Group.
Hobbies: Archery and cooking.
Likes: Things that work (with some exceptions - no comments).
Dislikes: Bad code (even if sometimes I do it myself).
If you are interested in giving a talk, or want to request one, please contact us:
9:00 onwards - more drinks, snack and chat